Entries by adrian

BMW airhead rocker geometry

Finally getting to the meaty end of the salt racer build. While the crank is off getting balanced with the new pistons and rods, I had a look at the rocker geometry. With the high lift cam (about 12mm at the valve) and recessed valve seats the geometry did not look good. With valve fully […]

frame painted! – bike going back together

Feeling like I’m on the home straight…frame is painted in special ‘skrunkwerks’ golden grey (stolen from Mercedes and tinkered with!). Lots of werk fillet brazing and filling the various gussets to achieve a sculpted look. The engine case is painted in a 2 pack mat black while top engine cover and rocker covers painted in […]

BMW saltracer gets a carbon bum

I’m 6″ tall. With my chin on the tank, my arse ends up a couple of seconds behind! The seat will be quite long as a result and the rear-sets even further aft. After playing around with pencil and paper getting proportions correct, I built a CAD 3D model, sliced it like a piece of […]